Provide Value To Your Sellers And Their Customers
AppXite Distribution Platform is an intuitive multi-cloud marketplace for purchasing and management of a range of powerful cloud products and services. It provides a central, user-friendly interface where you can operate and maintain every facet of your as-a-service business while giving your sellers and customers the opportunity to experience a high level of independence with our self-service tools.
Create bundles with preferential pricing, offer discounts, mark prices up or down, and run trials to drive purchase behaviour. Bring in additional revenue by upselling add-ons and your managed services.

Schedule a Demo of AppXite Distribution Platform
Build A Network Of Partner Marketplaces To Sell Cloud-Based Products And Services with AppXite Distribution Platform
Support Every Channel Structure Possible with Your Own or AppXite's Agreements
Keep direct vendor agreements with strategic partners and enrich your catalog with solutions and managed services from other vendors without the hassle and allow your Sellers to add direct contracts and own services as well.
Multi-Tier Ecosystem
Connect all vendors and offerings that support your sellers strategy
Multi-Vendor Ecosystem
Enrich your catalog with solutions and services from different vendors
AppXite Multi-Cloud Ecosystem
Support your sellers multi-cloud strategy from a single cloud platform
As-a-Service Distribution - Challenges, Trends, Future
Rethink the distribution in a XaaS world
Learn more