Telcos & Datacenter Service Providers

Build high-capacity datacenter services and charge based on complex calculation chains involving reservations, pay-go, peak usage or dedicated services with the ability to continuously up and downscale.

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AppXite is recognized among the leading ecosystem marketplace, finance, and integration platforms.
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Fully Automated Provisioning & Billing of Your Datacenter Business

If you own a datacenter or several server racks, the AppXite platform can turn it into a fully automated business system where your partners and customers can purchase and manage virtual machines without human-to-human interaction. With AppXite you can scale and deliver efficient cloud resources to thousands of enterprises directly or build your partner channel providing them with a platform that automates the whole sales process, resource provisioning, and provide accurate billing and wide self-service capabilities.


With AppXite Your Partners and Customers Get:

Create quote

Powerful sales and quoting tool to create proposals applying multi-factor pricing and complex consumption-based charges
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One-click purchasing experience with global payments (cards, bank transfers) and multi-currency support


Customer self-service  to configure the offer and get price, order and manage VM resources
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Immediate resource provisioning that allows to spin up infrastructure in minutes 

Accurate billing and invoicing across partners and customers along with usage data metrics and detailed reporting 

Partner enablement with the business operational platform to sell, bundle with own managed services and bill their customers
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Ability to add own services to create comprehensive IT bundles to manage and support datacenter virtual infrastructure 
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Integration capabilities with your existing e-commerce solution or customer-facing sites and business operational systems (CRM, ERP, etc.)

Trusted by Leading Tech Companies Across the Globe

Liquid Intelligent Technologies
Liquid Intelligent Technologies
Ed Systems
Ed Systems

Steinar Sønsteby

CEO of Atea

"With the AppXite platform, we have managed to build an extensive portfolio of multi-vendor offerings and our own cloud services while keeping administrative expenses low. Besides driving the automation of our day-to-day cloud business operations, AppXite is always ahead in adapting the platform for constantly changing ecosystem requirements."


Connect AppXite With Your Existing Solutions

Do you have an existing e-commerce solution, customer, or cloud management portal that works well for your business? AppXite is a robust platform that allows you to deploy the functionality you need with your existing solutions, giving you the flexibility to build your tech stack in the setup that suits your business model and existing investment strategy. 


API Management Newsletter

Configure-Price-Quote (CPQ)

Build Smart Proposals & Quotes for Any
Service Configuration

CPQ allows you to generate for customers multiple product options across different configurations through the guided buying process. Configure products, pricing offers and quotes for any mix of products and services with one-time, recurring, usage-based, etc. charge models.


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Subscription Billing

Flexible & Automated Recurring Billing That Scales With Your Growth

Handle the billing complexity of multiple pricing models across ordering, provisioning, invoicing, and reconciliation. The AppXite Platform integrates with leading payment gateways to provide an out-of-the-box solution, or APIs if you prefer to use your own billing system. Set up custom billing cycles for both consumption and subscription-based transactions.



Automatic Provisioning

Automate Order Fulfillment & Seamless Cloud Product Delivery in a Seconds

Provision all solutions on-demand providing customers with immediate access to services as soon as they purchase them. Set up new offers or managed services quickly through a simple semi-automated process or connect your existing fulfillment system to the platform.



Sales Analytics & Reporting

Track All Your Sales Data Down to a Single Offer or Subscription Level

Keep track of all the subscription metrics along with important KPIs like sales margins, upcoming renewals, monthly recurring revenue (MRR), churn rate, and customer lifetime value. Integrated reporting capabilities of the AppXite Platform let distributors, sellers and customers analyze transaction data from multiple perspectives - financial indicators and sales performance, subscriptions and orders, customers and usage, and more!


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